This large shrub or small tree tends to leaf out early so it may be injured by spring frosts. To keep foliage looking best, protect plants from direct wind exposure and direct sun by locating in partial or filtered shade, especially in the southern part of its hardiness range. A spot with well-drained, acid soil with plenty of organic matter, particularly in the southern part of its range is best. Leaves often scorch in hot summer weather in USDA hardiness zones 7b and 8, unless they are in some shade or irrigated during dry weather. Some cultivars perform poorly in zones 7 and 8.
Be sure drainage at the site is good and water does not stand for more than a few hours after heavy rain. Trees grow fine on clay soils as long as the ground is sloped so water does not accumulate in the soil. Responds well to several inches of mulch placed beneath the canopy out to the edge of the branches. Mulching allows roots to grow in the loose, well oxygen rich mulch-soil interface and thus reduce incidence of leaf burn. Provide irrigation in the southern part of its range in dry summers.
The wood is considered diffuse porous which means that there is little difference in size between the spring wood pores and the summer wood pores. Pollen can cause some allergy problems for some people.