Sycamore Maple is quite adaptable to various soils and is one of only a few large trees that are highly salt-tolerant. Little pruning is needed to develop a good trunk and branch structure. Not for the small landscape, its large, falling leaves and early defoliation in the fall can create a challenge for even the most enthusiastic gardener. Many bags of leaves will be raked from beneath this handsome tree. This tree may be best saved for the park or other large open-space planting site since its coarse texture blends poorly with residential and many commercial landscapes. Seedlings often germinate in the landscape and can become weeds. Transplant balled and burlapped in spring. Trees produce an allelopathic chemical that retards growth of Yellow Birch.
The wood is considered diffuse porous which means that there is little difference in size between the spring wood pores and the summer wood pores. Pollen can cause significant allergy problems for some people.