Siberian Elm grows well in full sun on well-drained soil. This tree is easily grown and will tolerate a variety of adverse conditions, such as poor soil, extreme drought, and moderate salt. It is probably best saved for the reclamation site or other out-of-the-way location. The wood is fairly brittle and subject to damage during storms, which creates a lot of twig litter on the lawn afterward. Cranial damage could occur if you happen by the tree in a storm. Since major limbs split from the crotches or break along their length on older trees and branches break in ice and wind storms, this is considered a tree to avoid.
Most urban tree managers and horticulturists will not recommend planting this tree. However, it does have its place in tough regions where little else will grow, and it resists Dutch elm disease. There are reports of the tree naturalizing in Canada. All elms reportedly produce allergenic pollen.