A Female Titan of the Gilded Age: “Diamonds and Deadlines”

In Diamonds and Deadlines: A Tale of Greed, Deceit, and a Female Tycoon in the Gilded Age, Betsy Prioleau opens up the life of media giant and Woodlawn resident Miriam Leslie.  Well-written and researched, Diamonds and Deadlines pores over the legacy of the Gilded Age author, publisher, and suffragette, much of which remains unknown.  The head of a publishing empire upon her husband’s death, Leslie’s periodicals were some of the most widely read magazines in the country.  Prioleau presents Leslie’s life in unrivalled detail from her undistinguished birth to her astounding legacy.

If you enjoy books that cover the Gilded Age, especially survey histories of the period or profiles of famous society members, this read is for you.