When someone plans a funeral, burial, or cremation for their loved one, they often wish to celebrate their own religious beliefs or cultural background. Here at Woodlawn, we are proud to serve different ethnic backgrounds across the Bronx and beyond. No matter what your religious beliefs or cultural heritage are, our experienced staff will help you plan a burial that honors your unique family makeup.
Celebrating your culture and ethnicity
African American funeral service traditions tend to be communal events that derive from either West African or Caribbean traditions. Some things you might see at an African American funeral are musical performances from a choir or loved ones or a lavish floral arrangement placed on the casket. Many Latin American funeral traditions involve a full Catholic funeral Mass, which can include the blessing of the casket with holy water and special recitations from the Bible along with various other blessings
Honoring your religion
We understand that respecting your religion is an important part of a family’s burial and cremation practices. Certain religions, such as Christianity, Catholicism, and Islam prioritize in-ground burial. At Woodlawn, there are many burial options, including single, companion, and estate lots. Our beautiful and historical grounds provide a peaceful place that loved ones can visit for generations to come. If your religious beliefs inspire you to choose cremation—perhaps if you are a Hindu, for example—you can still choose to bury your loved one’s cremated remains at our cemetery.
Benefits of planning ahead
Whether or not you decide to incorporate aspects of your faith, ethnicity, or culture into your service, a great way to guarantee your end-of-life wishes are honored is to preplan with our cemetery. When you meet with our professionals here at Woodlawn, you’ll have the opportunity to tour our tranquil grounds and learn more about all our on-site burial options. Our staff is happy to accommodate a family’s cultural heritage and religious beliefs into prearrangements. Let us know if you would like to discuss this topic in more detail with one of our experienced planning professionals.
We are proud to serve different ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds here at Woodlawn. If you live in New York and would like to learn more about our burial and cremation options, contact our team of professionals. Call us anytime, and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have or help you plan or preplan a service.